#kawepydi @ TreeTop Walk

,السلام عليكم

So on 9 December 2016, my friends I decided that we HAVE to visit the treetop walk, because we have always been talking about going there, but never really had the motivation to. So finally, somehow, somewhat, we felt motivated and so we went. 

So how did we get there? 

We all planned to meet at Nas’s bus stop at 10 am, take 39 all the way to Yishun Temporary Interchange, take 855 and alight at Flame Tree Park. From there we had to walk in via Venus Drive into Venus Loop Through Venus Link through Terentang Trail, Peirce Track and that’s when we finally reach the bloody TreeTop Walk (Literally a 3-minute TreeTop Walk, well of course if you are busy taking photos, it might take to at least 15 minutes). So after the Treetop Walk, we have to walk ALL THE WAY BACK. So we walked through Petaling Trail, saw the Petaling Hut, own the Sime Track, and the same track as how we previously came. If you guys a confuse, you just refer to this map. It would help in understanding my lengthy paragraph. 

So, let me just share with you my initial expectations.

Frankly, I didn’t expect it to me THAT TORTUROUS. Let me explain why. Because, previously, my friends and I went to Coney Island. It IS an ISLAND. So for that trip I was so equipped. With my sport shoes, long black tee shirt, comfy pants, like seriously, I was ready to walk/cycle the shit out of me. But, NO. It was pretty chill. Like I can be sipping some watermelon juice while walking or cycling. It was bearable. So with that experience in mind, I STUPIDLY thought that this Tree Top Walk would be the same. You know why? Because when I was searching on Instagram, all this fit ass chicks going there, taking nice and sporty photo, looking all beautiful and fine like It was a stroll in the park. THEY DIDN’T TELL ME THAT, in order to get there, I HAVE TO TEAR MY LEG MUSCLES, SWEAT BUCKETS OF SWEAT, PANT ALL THE CARBON DIOXIDE IN ME and that I would look like I just got hit by a bus by the time I reach the Tree Top Walk. 

So with that two thoughts in mind: 1) It would like Coney Island 2) All this people who went there seems quite okay, so I went there in DENIS TOP AND DENIM PANTS with freaking AVIATORS ON. When I reach the place, I realise I was dressed inappropriately because everyone was wearing track pants, FBTS, dry-fit clothes while I look like I was going to Orchard or something. But the reason why I wore like that was because I wanted a nice photo with the beautiful scenery. But let me tell you. Tracking with denim jeans and denim top, IT WAS THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE SHIT EVER. DON’T EVER DO THAT. 

So, if you are planning to go there, let me just share with you how you could mentally and physically prepare yourself:


2) BRING EITHER 1 LITRE OF WATER OR 1.5 LITRE, depends on how much you drink. BECAUSE, there is only ONE place where there is water cooler. Which is pointed out in the MAP.

3) BE PREPARED TO CLIMB MANY STAIRS. MANY. Not 100 not 200 steps. MORE THAN THAT. You would need to climb many stairs, go down MANY stairs too.

4) USE COMFORTABLE ASS SHOES AND DON’T wear shoes that you mind when it gets dirty. Don’t wear slippery shoes because, when YOU ARE THERE, most of the time, you will be walking on the ground, like it will be very soil-ly. You get me? I hope you understand. If you are not on the ground, you would be on the stairs. Which tend to get a little slippery too. So WEAR NON-SLIPPERY SHOES. Okay?

5) Remember to not forget to take adequate amount of breaks. Because when me and my friends went, we were to focus on getting the shit out of there. So the only time we took breaks was at the restroom and after the Petaling Hut and at the restroom again. So we didn’t drink much water. Which caused us to feel, or at least me, to feel like I am on the verge of dying. Serious. 

6) Remember to keep CALM WHEN YOU SEE MONKEYS. Cause, you will tend to see monkeys here and there and sometimes you would hear the trees rusting and things falling because of these monkeys. SO CALM DOWN. Don’t get to freaked out easily. If not, the monkeys will eat you. OKAY I WAS KIDDING.

7) Next, if your blood is sweet as hell, please bring mosquito repellent. Especially if you are wearing short shorts. For me, I felt like dying. So, if mosquitoes were feeding me, I don’t really give a shit. HAHAHA. But honestly, I didn’t feel itchy. So, I don’t know if there are mosquitos. 

8) DON’T GO ON RAINY DAYS. IT WILL BE EXTRA SLIPPERY AND THE RISK OF GETTING INJURED IS HIGHER. But if you are superman or wonder woman, then GO AHEAD. You do you! Don’t let me stop you. Oh and bring PONCHOS in case. Don’t bring umbrella. Cause UMBRELLAS would just be extra burdens.

9) LASTLY BRING TISSUES, TO WIPE OFF DIRTY MUD ON YOUR SHOE. Cause if you are planning to take the bus after that, of course you wouldn’t want all the mud to be destroying the bus cleanliness. 

10) Ya, I think that was about it. It stopped at 9. But 9 is not a nice number to stop on. So I just added 10 for fun.

SO YUP. NOW, you are mentally and physically (?, well, you got to exercise on your own? ) prepared.

Read on if you want to know what my friends and I did next.

So after the walk, we finally reach the entrance and THANK GOD, that’s when it started to rain. My friends took out their ponchos and I took out my umbrella (YES, THAT BURDEN ASS UMBRELLA). Oh, thankfully before it rains, I manage to clean up my shoe first. So we then ran to the bus stop to take a bus to Yishun Interchange. We then took 39 alighted at my stop, took 53 and to airport we went, where we just lepak. Played Spyfall and the Guess what you are game. And that was about it. After that we went home and the end. Yay.

Thank You for reading WHEE.


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